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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year, New Blog

It has been quite some time since I made a New Year's Resolution. In fact, I'm pretty sure that my last resolution had something to do with swearing off boys, or getting better grades. That should tell you how long it has been. I'm not exactly sure when, but at some point, it felt less about introspection and more about half hearted cliches that never seemed to make it out of January. And at some point, New Years Resolutions seemed to be just one more product that some big corporation was boxing up and trying to sell me. And in true, young, tough, anti-consumerism fashion, I opted out.
Oh, to be young and idealistic.....

But this year, I am putting aside my indie alternative ways. I have decided to embrace this mainstream tradition. This year, I am resolving.
Here. We. Go.
New Year's Resolutions

1. Spiritual Growth
There are so many ways that I want to grow in my spiritual life. But, I think what I desire most for this year is a steadfast faith and an undivided heart. The final verse in my favorite hymn is the prayer of my heart for this year.

"O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be
Let that grace now, like a fetter
Bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart, O take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above"
2. Individual Investment
This year, I will make an effort to spend quality one on one time with each member of my household. I will invest my time, energy and affections in the people who matter to me. I will cherish the time my children are young and life is simple. Because some day soon, these days, will be the good old days. And we can never get them back.  

3. Vegetables Exercise and Saving
Okay, okay, I know these are the ultimate in cliche, but in this case "they" are right. So I will say yes to green goodness, get my heart-a-pumping, and spend less/save more.

4. Chill out
Finally, to the laid back girl of my youth: Where did you go? What happened to you? Was it the growing up that got you? Or maybe the stress and responsibility of raising not one, but THREE children? Whatever it was, I know that somewhere deep inside, you can still let your hair down, throw back your head, and laugh with abandonment, live without reservations, and see the big picture. So, this year let's try to do that sometimes, okay?

So, what about you? What are your New Years Resolutions?

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