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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sick of Sickness

Every year it feels like there are more and more icky colds and nasty flues floating around, infecting and interrupting our happy home. In our house, we all manage sickness differently. My husband is the least likely to catch something (must be nice to have a superhuman immune system). But, when he does, it never seems to really bring him down. He will still go to work, take care of kids and go about his daily tasks without so much as a grumble. It is remarkable, really.

I on the other hand, in the face of illness am rendered completely and utterly useless. I am always in, "the worst possible pain anyone has ever been in", and I am, "not sure if I am going to make it". Dramatic, I know. But at least I own up to it. No amount of medicine, chicken noodle soup or back rubs, will ever be enough to pry me from death's grip, when I am sick.

When my oldest daughter is sick, she usually spikes a very high fever. In fact, she has probably taken more trips to the ER than anyone, because of alarming 104+ degree fevers. Over time, I have learned that it is just the way her body reacts to fight off the illness and she has a higher resting temp than average. But still, it always makes me nervous.

Any sickness our son has usually ends up in his respiratory system. He is the one who is prone to bronchitis and has even ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. He also has allergies and spends many nights coughing with no relief. The humidifier is his friend.

Last but not least, there is our baby girl, who I swear, has had a runny nose since the day she was born. And of course, when she gets sick, it becomes uncontrollable. She is a leaky faucet of ooey gooey unpleasantness. Also, because of her congestion and runny nose, she can't sleep, which means no one can sleep.

Our current sicky

So there you have it. More information than you ever wanted to know about my family's cold/flu issues. But, I have a feeling that we are not the only ones who succumb to illness in these ways. So what about you? How does your family handle cold/flu season?  

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